FidBits Newsletter

Videos, podcasts, tips, and tools to help your employees along their financial journey

Campaign details

What is the goal of the communication?

Deliver an ongoing newsletter-style email that streamlines all the ways Fidelity can help your employees navigate today’s challenges and prepare for their financial future (some of which might be provided through

When will these communications be sent?

This edition will launch over the course of four days starting toward the beginning of the week of March 10. FidBits is delivered twice a quarter.

Who is eligible?

  • All active employees ages 18 or older with a balance greater than $0
  • Former employees separated for 45 days or more with a balance of $1,000 or greater

Which audiences are included?

Employee needs and how they prefer to engage with content varies by age. The two versions are 1) under age 35, and 2) age 35 and over


For plan sponsor use only.

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917

©2022-2023 FMR LLC. All rights reserved.
