Fidelity HSA® End-of-Year Reminder Campaign

Campaign details

What are the goals of this campaign?

Inform HSA employees that their account balance rolls over year-over-year, and does not need to be spent at the end of the year

When will these communications be sent?

The email will be sent the first week of December.

Who will receive this campaign?

The campaign will reach opted-in active participants who have an HSA account open but are not contributing, those who have an account open and are contributing, and those who have an account open and are likely to invest.

What message is available?

The email message is personalized to each audience to help employees understand that they won’t lose their HSA balance at the end of the year.

Click here for a sample email for employees who are not currently contributing to their HSA
Click here for a sample email for employees who are contributing but not investing in their HSA

What is the call to action?

The communication will remind account holders that HSA funds never expire and direct them to NetBenefits to review their contributions or learn more about investing.

Investing involves risk, including risk of loss.
For plan sponsor and investment professional use only.

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917
